Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Homemade Gluten-Free "Hamburger Helper"

I know that lately this blog has seemed like a "Heavenly Homemakers" promotion, but it's just my latest new discovery, and I promise there will be other posts soon. But in the meantime...yes, this is another one. :)

For starters, this is the easier mac and cheese recipe EVER. I've been doing homemade mac and cheese for quite awhile using the Pioneer Woman recipe (found here, which is also amazing by the way), but it's really labor intensive. This was insanely easy. I used quinoa elbow noodles and was worried that it wouldn't thicken the milk the what whole wheat pasta would, but it worked perfectly.

And then I used the mac and cheese and grassfed beef to make this. It was wonderful. And I felt much better feeding it to my kids. :)


  1. I love this recipe too! Made the regular mac and cheese last night actually, but I added a little butter (just for taste) and some ground mustard, nutmeg and paprika to the milk (because that's how I like my mac and cheese and it was sort of half way between heavenly homemaker and pioneer woman) and it is so so good! Yum!

  2. wow, looks yummy! I love both of those blogs too, by the way! :)

    By the way, I'm hosting a giveaway right now that I think you'd be interested in!
